Hospice Services
Hospice Care
We will work with you and your loved one to develop a personalized plan of care. Our team may include your medical team, counselors, social workers, pharmacists, and more. You will have 24/7 access to your hospice team to give you and your loved one support and care when you need it.
We provide care that goes beyond the body to include the spirit.
Personalized, patient-driven care; it’s how we hire and it’s how we serve.
(248) 955-5100

Hospice care is usually given in your home, but it also may be covered in a hospice inpatient facility. Depending on your loved one’s terminal illness and related conditions, the plan of care your hospice team creates can include:
- Doctor services
- Nursing care
- Medical equipment (like wheelchairs or walkers)
- Medical supplies (like bandages and catheters)
- Prescription medications
- Hospice aide and homemaker services
- Spiritual care/coordination with your spiritual community
- Physical and occupational therapy
- Speech-language pathology services
- Social worker services
- End of life planning
- Dietary counseling
- Grief and loss counseling for you and your family
- Short-term inpatient care (for pain and symptom management)
- Short-term respite care
- Any other Medicare-covered services needed to manage your terminal illness and related conditions, as recommended by your hospice team
- The Journey Program – Virtual Reality Therapy Program
More than Terminal Illness Care
Your loved one’s hospice benefit covers care for their terminal illness and related conditions. Once they start getting hospice care, the hospice benefit should cover everything they need related to their terminal illness.
After the hospice benefit starts, your loved one can still get covered services for conditions not related to their terminal illness. Original Medicare will pay for covered services for any health problems that aren’t part of their terminal illness and related conditions. However, they must pay the deductible and coinsurance amounts for all Medicare-covered services they get to treat health problems that aren’t part of their terminal illness and related conditions.

Respite Care
Caregiving can be exhausting for family members. Respite care is available to you. When you need rest, your loved one can get inpatient care in a Medicare-approved facility (like a hospice inpatient facility, hospital, or nursing home) for a few days. We will arrange this for you. You can’t care for others unless you care for yourself first, and we can help you take guilt-free breaks when you need them.
The Journey Program – Virtual Reality Therapy Program
The Journey Program uses Virtual Reality headsets that allow your current surroundings to be replaced with unique experiences. These experiences include exotic travel locations and your “must-do’s” with technology provided by Lily Hospice. Travel to Venice, go whale watching, visit your childhood home or walk the streets of Jerusalem. The possibilities are endless!

Federal & State Licensed